Sunday, December 2, 2012

Let's read testimonies.

This is the, what, second time I've forgotten to blog in two weeks. And this time I have no excuse. Looks like I just have to summarize the past two days and my thirty day challenge and be done with it.

Thursday - gosh, it feels like a long time ago - we talked more about John Brown. The guy who beat people with machetes. Great guy, huh? His demise turned out to be during an attack on the federal armory, which failed. He was tried and convicted in Virginia, where he was found guilty and hanged. We were given some primary source documents to convert into chart form.

Yesterday we had a substitute, and were given packets to work on. Automatically, everybody clumped into groups to work on it, reading aloud and such. It's main content was excerpts from documents and questions, which didn't turn out to be that bad.

As for the thirty day challenge, there's not much to report. I've resorted to stranger compliments then usual - "You are a sunflower in a field of sunshine and butterflies" - but still, five a day.

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